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Finance Calculators

Explore our collection of free calculators to help you plan your finance. Once you have completed your initial research, send us an enquiry to help formalise your plans.

Loan Repayment Calculator

Calculate your monthly repayments with your current loan details

Income Annualisation Calculator

Discover how much Income Tax you are paying.

Saving Calculator

Calculate your interest earned from your savings

Stamp Duty Calculator

Calculate the stamp duty on your property.

Income Annualisation Calculator

Calculate your annualised income and your paid and unpaid work days

Extra Repayment Calculator

Find out how much interest you can save by making extra repayments on your loan.

How Long to Repay Calculator

Calculate how long it will take to repay your loan.

Home Loan Offset Calculator

Find out how much interest you can save with an offset home loan.

Income Gross UpCalculator

Calculate your gross annual income and your payable tax.

Rent vs Buy Calculator

Calculate your costs for renting VS buying to see what works best for your situation.

Please note the results from each calculator should be used as an indication only, for more detailed information we recommend speaking directly with a Westgate Financial Services Consultant.

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